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Our Mission 

Sullivan Trail mission is to embedded our Indigenous Stories, Language and Culture within the landscape, educate and challenge our communities about our urban waterways, to inspire communities to find common ground through building connection to places, provide an outlet for creative community involvement , while seeking to produce high quality artwork, installations  through art making , participation and exposure.         

Sullivan's Trail Project's will be developed, managed and delivered in consultation with the local community and according to funding received. We seeks to inspire, nurture, challenge, amaze, educate and empower communities, artists and audiences.

Networking of Place & Interpretation


The goal is not to untangle the networks, but to acknowledge and celebrate entanglements that already exist by asking: 

                                           Who is using Sullivan’s Creek


                                         Where are the important places?


                                        Why are these places it important?


                              How is the Sullivan’s Creek corridor being used?

                                 What is the value of this corridor?



Interpretation takes many forms including guided walks, talks, drama, art, sculpture, displays, signs, brochures and electronic media as well as any other way in which ideas can be communicated.”


“Communicates ideas, information and knowledge about locations, the natural world or historic places in a way which helps visitors to make sense of their environment. Good interpretation will create engaging, unique and meaningful experiences for visitors.


Interpretation Australia interpretation/


Sullivan’s Trail Partners and Supports 

Sullivan's Project has partnered with numerous local communities, organisations and businesses along the route. We hope to work with, enhance and create opportunities for engagement and activation by hosting our own events and being apart of others events. 

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